All in Truth

Camp: The First Two Weeks

I don’t remember what bunk had this posts sign in it, but I remember laughing at it because of how odd it was and because I felt as if some of the campers lived by this motto. Some of those girls were hardcore but this post is more about the first two weeks of camp being the calm before the storm.

"I'll Take Pet Advice for $500 Alex."

I currently have a hamster named Wilson (Not pictured. The hamster in the picture is Feisty. My last hamster who was no nonsense and as her name describes). I’ve had a few over the past few years and I’ve come along way from a kid who wasn’t ready for a pet but assumed I was, to a now informed owner who appreciates her pets and takes care of them properly no matter how weird they are.

Camp: The Best/Weirdest Summer Of My Life

I was a camp counselor summer of 2017 and it was weird AF but awesome at the same time. It’s so hard to describe because it’ll sound crazy or unrealistic when I tell you some of what happened. Thus, you’ll have to stick around to get different facets of it and this is only part one of many to come on the topic. It was not like Parent Trap. TV lied once again.

Doughnuts Are Endgame

I love doughnuts. Anyone close to me or around me enough can tell you. It’s even odd to me how much I love them and how I will actually judge you by what doughnuts you eat. Krispy Kreme original glazed is life. Any so called friend that talks down on doughnuts and actually hates them is no friend of mine. YOU JUST HAVEN’T HAD THE RIGHT DOUGHNUT YET.

I Never "Grew Out Of It"

This is me realizing a few main moments in my life where I felt put down by my “overweightness” as I grew up and how that’s skewed my view of myself along with media standards. However, I’m working past it and through it to find the motivation to get healthier for my own reasons. Let kids be kids though maybe, if it’s not a serious health issue at least.

Why I Need To Let Go Of The Current Me

The start to my journey of becoming the person I know I’m supposed to be. By calling myself out for the utter laziness and scared nature to go for my dreams without excuses or unreasonable complacency. I have a lot that I have to do change my mindset and attitude because I’m tired of my current life. I’m in charge of changing my life everyday. No one else will do it for me.